Justice Clarence Thomas rebukes Biden-led confirmation hearings in new film
Justice Clarence Thomas is joining public criticism of Joe Biden whose handling of Thomas’ 1991 Supreme Court confirmation hearings when he was a senator has been a flash point in the former vice president’s 2020 presidential campaign. In a forthcoming documentary, “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words,” Thomas lashes out at Democrats and Biden,…
Film Review: ‘Created Equal: Clarence Thomas In His Own Words’
There’s a moment in the new Clarence Thomas documentary, “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words,” following the harrowing confirmation hearing that saw the gentle man, loving husband, and legal genius from Pin Point, Ga., accused of sexual harassment and smeared as a lecherous monster, that sticks with you…
Clarence Thomas: An exceptional American who defied the odds
A black man, born into a dirt-poor family in a dirt-poor town in the Deep and segregated South beats the odds, the obstacles and the bigots to become one of America’s most consequential legal thinkers, and an authority on the Founders’ vision. You might expect such a story to be…
Unequal justice
A remarkable scene unfolded in Washington last Tuesday. Judges and hard-bitten lawyers gathered at the National Archives and wept. They were moved to tears of sadness, mirth, and delight by the premier of Created Equal, a new movie in which Justice Clarence Thomas tells his life story after 27 years of…
Clarence Thomas is an American hero
Nearly everyone has an impression of him — and most are mistaken. For, if they knew Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas better, they’d most likely be celebrating and naming streets after him. Thomas is an American hero. Born to nothing, he grew up knowing only hard labor and unyielding discipline,…
‘The Idea Was To Get Rid Of Me’: Justice Clarence Thomas Speaks About His Confirmation Fight in New Documentary
Clarence Thomas, arguably the most conservative justice on the U.S. Supreme Court, may be known for his silence on the bench during oral arguments, but now he’s speaking out. In an upcoming documentary, “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas In His Own Words,” Thomas describes his faith, his political awakening, his judicial…
Hyman Rickover, Pathbreaker
One of the few really interesting educational sites on Connecticut’s shoreline is the Submarine Force Library and Museum, located in Groton, near General Dynamics’ Electric Boat yards. Permanently moored on the Thames River, hard by Naval Submarine Base New London, is the world’s first nuclear sub, the fabled USS Nautilus, which is…
Paths from Glory
T.S. Eliot, in his essay on Kipling, said that the outsider, if he happens to be “alarmingly intelligent,” has a “peculiar detachment and remoteness” that enables him to see the places through which he passes more clearly than the natives do. The subject of Richard Brookhiser and Michael Pack’s documentary…
Rediscovering Alexander Hamilton: A Strange Journey
I am the producer/director of a new PBS documentary on Alexander Hamilton. A sequel to our acclaimed film on George Washington, this film is the story of the “bastard brat of a Scotch peddler,” in John Adams words, who went on to shape America’s financial and legal system before being…